Get Instant Consumer Financing for Your Customers That Would Allow Them to pay for Your Product or Service in 3, 6 or 12 Small Monthly Payments."
With Strategic Merchant Solutions in-house consumer financing option, the question of, "how do I offer credit to my customers at no risk to me?" is finally answered. We all know friends and family or someone close to us that has been affected by the recent dip in the economy or financial situation.
We have all seen the banking industry tighten their approval process on debt and offering credit. As a business owner, you have to change with the environment or be left behind. For example, businesses didn't always accept credit cards, but the financial environment along with the demand from customers, forced businesses to change their way of thinking and accept credit cards as an alternative form of payment. When merchants stood their ground, they simply lost business to a competitor who does accept credit cards. This allowed consumers to make small payments each month to their credit card company. As credit card issuers changed their credit policies, this has changed the current landscape and the power of the consumer to live on credit cards.
Consumers, more then ever, are looking for alternatives where merchants are offering instant consumer financing.
Ask yourself, "with all the changes that have taken place in financial America, what sets me apart from my competition?" Offering instant consumer financing to customers is a great way to attract business and be different from your competitors. Strategic Merchant Solutions can set you up with customer financing programs that fit your business and your customer's needs. Your customer will have the power of being able to make payments that fit their needs while you are able to get your money up front for the product and service you provide. In addition, building your client base and growing your sales has never been easier.
How it Works
Strategic Merchant Solutions short-term in-house customer financing programs are not underwritten like a conventional loan. We look at the customer’s ability to re-pay the loan not what their credit score looks like.
We have found, in the current credit environment that many consumers may have a poor credit score but still have the ability to pay. We can approve 70-75% of your customers that would be turned down by traditional customer finance companies.